Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It is essential we make the right decisions and make them at the right time.

“Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of failure. This is no mere statement of a theory – it is a fact. Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.” - Napoleon Hill

If you need to make a decision this week , here are four steps:
1. Bathe the decision in much prayer. The more you pray – the more easily it will be to make the right decision.
2. Ground the decision in God’s Word: If the decision you are about to make goes counter to the Word of God – you can be guaranteed it will not produce the results that will be best for you.
3. Surround the decision with godly counsel: The Bible tells us there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Sometimes a neutral party can see what you don’t see because you may be clouded with extreme emotion.
4. Don’t ignore the decision: Simply not making a decision will not make the situation go away. Procrastination will kill even the most sincere attempts to make a smooth landing. Remember the guy who was parachuting and put off his decision to pull the rip cord will never have the opportunity to fly again.


Alex said...

God bless you brother Jim. I completely agree with your comments and it has been my experience that many times it is very difficult to follow these steps towards making decisions, although I know them well. I think it's because making right decisions in life, requires us to nurture our spiritual relationship with the Lord, and our natural tendency is to do the exact opposite. I tried to justify the lack of time I had to pray with the fact that I had to fullfill my many secular responsibilities and duties. I realize now, that it was poor decision making that led me to have too much stuff on my plate to begin with. Can you relate?

eddie/pam said...

I was in Wylie this week and went by the street where you almost bought a house. I remember you telling us this story and how you called your dad for advise. Sometimes it is hard to ask others for help or see the help of others.
I have also been taught the Devil might not get us to turn away from God so he will just wear us out with every day activities.