A clothes washer works best when there is a slight agitation with the water, soap and clothes but too much agitation on soft clothing may damage or weaken the fibers. Not trying to be your friendly Maytag repair man with your "Monday Washday Tips," but a reminder that daily agatation may be destructive to the body, mind and life.
Things that agitate:
Not enough money to pay bills
Disobedient children
Unreliable job
Family pressure
Car problems
Marital stress
and the list goes on!
Before you cry out in exasperation let's look at two insights:
We can't stop all areas of agitation. We must learn to live through them.Lot's righteous soul was vexed daily until he collapsed but Daniel when tempted "daily" resisted and fled. There is a strength to fill every believer. "When sin abounds grace does much more abound." Hold your head high, you are a child of the King, fill your heart with His Word for there is a"peace that passeth all understanding."
Secondly, as a washers agitation is meant to clean - so life's agitation. God takes the trials of life and brings us through a better person. When Daniel was in the pit (his brother's put him there) but he was willing to see God was creating his purpose in life. You may look at your present situation without hope but looking back, after several years have passed, you may see what God has brought into your life. Purpose isn't always planned, percieved nor pleasant but it is always personal.
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