For the merchant there is rising prices, lower projections, and stressful budgets.
For the sports fan there is steroid abuse, championships and the Beijing Olympics.
For the banker there is real estate foreclosures, stock plunges and tight money.
For the housewife there is sibling rivalry, frazzled nerves and disobedient children.
For the husband there is time schedules, less money and more responsibilities.
But Jesus said there is "one thing needful." Of course, Martha was busy in the kitchen preparing the evening meal, scurrying about with traumatic eyes as she whisked from mixing to the oven then setting the table. For Mary she was more concerned about the Bread of Life than the bread in the oven. She sat at the feet of Jesus ready to drink of the living water. She found the one thing that is central to life. To discover Jesus Christ. To learn of Him. To love Him with a full heart.
She yearned for a one to one conversation.
She longed for a face to face encounter.
She desired a heart to heart talk.
The one thing that is central is defined by Jesus as He spoke, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God..."
To seek anything else becomes bothersome.
To follow anything else is an atrocity
To love anything else is idolatry.
The drive to gather anything at the loss of everything is a mere investment in today but to love Jesus supremely and to yearn for Him in our spirit is to grand investment for the future. To take time with Jesus is to invest in your marriage, your family and your life. Life doesn't sneak upon you when you love Jesus with all your heart. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God..." but it continues with a promise, "and all these things shall be added unto you."
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