Tommy Barnett has proven himself as a leader, he is Senior Pastor of one of the largest churches in Phoenix, his son is directing the Dream Center in Los Angeles, and he has spoken to thousands of pastors on being a pastor, leadership and church growth. He has written a book that isn't systematic but rather inspirational, practical and definitive. He encourages the reader to set a half hour each day for thought provoking inspection, prayer and dreaming and he fills the book with moving testimonies of how thirty minute segments has filled his life and turned these moments of time into a faith filled life.
The Power of a Half Hour is just the book needed for young pastors looking for a solid foundation and for middle aged pastors trying to discover hope and change. Get ready for his homespun stories of faith, challenges and prayers as he devotes half hour to meetings, prayer and reflection. You may not have a mountain, like Pastor Barnett does behind his church, but you have thirty minutes to begin your life and ministry in a new direction.
Blogging for Books provided this book to me for free in exchange for an honest review.
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