Monday, December 7, 2009

Growing Closer in Tough Economic Times

Bob is a smart business man with a glowing personality and a profound love for his wife but the Monday after thanksgiving he was laid off his job and her income alone was not enough to live on. The stress began to build -especially when she was rushed to the doctor's office for stitches in her hand. The medical bills were enormous and invaded their Christmas savings account.

Just when you thought you couldn't take another hit then the baby gets sick and the hospital bills begin to come in - right before Christmas. You may have a few dollars saved for gifts only to have the transmission go out on your van. Or, worse yet, laid off your job.

These tough economic times can bring stress to the best marriages and often bring untold heartache and dive into depression. It is difficult for married couples to work out the kinks when driving blindfolded. Marriage is sailing through uncharted waters of economic instability.

Here are a few keys to unlock the door of stress:

1. Bite the bullet. That was a cheap shot but truly look at your daily outgo, write it down and eliminate any luxury bills.
2. Have fun. There are plenty of free or inexpensive things to do. Go to the Christmas parade, eat popcorn and roll on the floor with the kids are still fun and free family past times.
3. Take a walk. It wards off stress, helps you stay healthy and provides time for you and your bride to communicate.
4. Call a friend. For most cell phone users weekends are free calls. Call a relative, friend, or classmate you haven't talked to in a long time.
5. Go to Christmas activities. Christmas parties, family get-togethers and church Christmas plays are numerous this time of year.
6. Watch a black and white DVD together. "It's a Wonderful Life," is a great Christmas time DVD and fits our economic times.
7. Work in a soup kitchen. Nothing warms the heart like helping someone less fortunate than you.
8. Bake some goodies. trying a new recipe and giving it as a gift to a neighbor or friend is a delight.
9. Have coffee with an old friend.
10. Study the Bible. The colder climate is an ideal time to grab a book, read the Bible and research a new topic.
11. Say I Love You. Tell your wife/husband you really love them, by the fireplace, alone...get it?
12. Write in your journal. Writing is a keepsake and a stress reliever.
13. Organize a closet. Or, rearrange the furniture.
14. Reminisce through old family photos.
15. Pray. Prayer is the ideal stress reliever.

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