Saturday, May 2, 2009

Trust - The Big "T"

When couples are asked what is the most important element in a long lasting marriage they may name: security, love, caring, and committment. When asked what is the most important over every other term they quickly reply, "trust".

"I can't trust him/her" is the most devastating words heard in a marriage. The big "T" is to be carefully guarded, can be quickly lost and most importantly treasured.

Trust is gained by careful actions not gained by words. Words become empty when actions disprove the ability to be trusted.

Trust is gained by respect of the vow of marriage, "til death do us part" and honor of the other person's feelings, imperfections and heart.

Trust is gained over time of true commitment, defending - not making fun other the other, and showing personal affection.

The big "T" will keep a marriage strong, true and long lasting

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